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Latest Android App Development Trends

We live an age where technology is transforming as time passes. There are always new concepts and ideas introduced every single day that bring some sort of the change in the lives of human beings. We are living in an era where each new year brings new technologies, concepts, and ideas that bring changes. Most specifically, since Android's selection has extended so dramatically as of late, it's critical to stay aware of the most recent developments to take out adversaries in the race to pick up a piece of the overall industry.

If we talk about android app development trends that has made considerable progress and Android's history is nothing shy of rousing, setting off a change in the mobile application development industry. Released in 2008, the part of the overall industry of the Android smartphone operating system is currently about 85%.

With ordinary innovation refreshes, Android empowers organizations to construct exceptionally practical, protected, mobile, extensible and adaptable applications to meet ever-changing corporate sector requirements.

Android application development companies developing applications that can help their customers to expand their client base and make life simpler for end-users.

Most Popular Trends in Android App Development

1. Increased Adoption of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

These days everyone has seen the utilization of AI in different everyday issues, and it wouldn't have been long until the Android application development. There's a great deal to keep an eye out for with Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence took an importatnt part in the Android app developement trends which permits organizations to upgrade client experience by furnishing shoppers with customized contributions. technology empowers organizations to comprehend client conduct, item inclinations, and a lot more subtleties.

With an information-driven methodology, organizations can build up a superior arrangement for client commitment by reacting rapidly to their requests

On the off chance that we state it in basic words, you can catch, feed and procedure immense measures of information utilizing AI and ML in your application development process and perform assignments, for example, Face Recognition, Text Recognition, Landmark Recognition, Image Labeling, Barcode Scanning, etc.

Here are a few devices accessible for Android app development to develop such functionalities in your Android application.

  • Firebase MLKit
  • TensorFlow Lite
  • Neural Network API
  • Google Cloud Vision API

2. Android Instant Apps


Google Play Instant permits clients to utilize either an application or a game with no established procedure. Android Instant Apps are worked and run from the cloud, so clients don't have to download them.

The key advantage of such devices is that they don't occupy an additional room on the smartphone of the client. Clients can likewise lessen the messiness of undesirable programming on their smartphones.

A moment application resembles a demo adaptation of an application that really has all the points of interest of the first application however is little in size. These are intended to assist you in deciding whether you truly need a full form of the application.

3. Internet of Things

Internet of Things

The IoT-based Android application gives a basic domain to clients to interface with IoT-empowered devices. As indicated by Statista, the number of associated devices overall was 15.41 billion of every 2015 and is relied upon to develop to 75.44 billion out of 2025. It mirrors about 60 billion ascents in IoT-empowered devices.

Being the main OS, Android will be the greatest player right now. It will be the favoured selection of organizations and developers to develop IoT applications. Integration of IoT and Android applications will create IoT for Home, IoT for Workplace, IoT for Enterprises, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

IoT will be incorporated with vehicles and homes, and you could simply head to sleep to realize that your home is on the web. A considerable lot of the greatest application developers in the US are participating and making their ways for the combination of Artificial Intelligence with the Internet of Things.

4. Wearables


We definitely realize wearable devices like trackers, smartwatches and wellness groups or brilliant rings. Wearable needs a discussion to run, and the creation of the Android App will profit by this in 2020.

Because of the immense capability of these devices, mobile application developers are relied upon to consider how to make applications that help this technology so as to upgrade their appropriation. In this years, users may experience an increase in the number of users using with wearable devices, and this is the thing that any web and mobile development organization will pay special attention to.

5. 5G Service

5G Service

The speed of the 5G system will be multiple times higher than that of the 4G arrange. Notwithstanding fast, 5G will likewise be utilized for 3D gaming, Data Security, Augmented Reality.

This will imply that Android application development organizations should consider when creating applications. The administration will accompany 3D designs and increased reality.

You'll additionally encounter another degree of information assurance, and that is the thing that the normal device client needs to see. You may advise that it will be a great deal of enjoyment alongside the coming years.

6. Blockchain Technology


Blockchain technology’s significance has expanded and the business is developing. It maintains a strategic distance from a break of information or it is conceivable to make a false archive on the record.

Regardless of whether somebody commits an error, they can be followed back. With various programmers taking a vacation day for copying charge cards, you ought to anticipate that organizations should receive blockchain-empowered mobile payment applications. Mobiloitte has experienced committed mobile application designers concentrated on a blockchain.

As of late, it has been noticed that the Wallet App has been propelled in the Google Play Store and has surpassed a large number of downloads in a brief timeframe.

This affirms technology is well known and inventive Android applications with Blockchain will get a decent reaction from the two buyers and developers.

Today, because of its satisfactory security and solidness, blockchain has increased greater fame over cloud applications. The technology monitors the client's advanced exchanges and guarantees the security of the client's distinctions.

7. Security of Apps


Prior, Google had gotten a ton of protests about the damaged insurance of the application. The applications got to the individual information of clients without their authorization.

To address this issue, Google discharged an Android update containing a recently refreshed security encroachment application. Android designers are currently joining an authorization module into their applications to make client's information increasingly ensured.

Applications can demand authorization from the client before getting to their own data. Clients reserve the option to permit or decline authorization to do as such.

8. Rising Importance of Beacon Technology

Beacon Technology

Beacon Technology has gained great attention from various businesses and markets, including the hospitality industry, medicinal services, and exhibition halls. It's an easy-to-adopt feature that utilizes area information and proximity marketing.

In view of its convenience, it makes it simple for anybody to utilize it. Beacon technology engages in remote transmitters that utilize Bluetooth technology to impart signals.

If an organization needs to share deals data, Beacons will assist you with that. The stage is utilized to incorporate IoT in the retail segment.


We discussed the top trending things in Android app development that you need to keep in mind for 2020. As you’ve just learned, there will be a major shift in the Android app industry in 2020. The future of Android app development industry is undoubtedly shining brightly and all Android Mobile Apps will have the best user experience, improved tasks and operations.

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