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Mobile UI Design Trends To Watch Out in 2020

The significance of mobile apps for the business of all sizes can be seen from the fact that 90% of mobile phone users spend most of their time browsing apps rather than browsing websites. As per recent surveys, it’s estimated that apps with the latest mobile UI design trends have more downloads than others in the year 2019. It shows the huge necessity of having a well designed mobile application for your business.

Nowadays, people use mobile apps for everything right from the bill payment, to buy our essentials from their favorite brand to ordering foods.

UI be the first impression of a mobile app that connects users with the brand. When an app's UI design is client-centric, then nothing can stop its success.

However, the landscape of the UI/UX design company is changing continuously. Mobile UI design is the most changing part of the mobile industry. Also, the UI design of an app is not limited to its looks. The app's data architecture should combine with the UI design guidelines that organize, label, and structure an apps’ content sustainably and accessible.

Latest Mobile UIUX Design Trends

Buttonless Design & Liquid Swipe

It's been long since we all use mobiles with real physical buttons. With freeing up more screen space, product designers can provide users more information. All the attention is focused on the content, while gestures are used instead of these digital buttons.

The liquid swipe effect is taking the use of gestures to the next level. This effect is available on GitHub as an open-source.

Enhanced Personalization

The mobile app personalization will acquire more momentum this year. A tailored UX and the latest mobile UI design trends is becoming important in mobile app development. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are making this customization easier.

Using video streaming services like youtube or Netflix where AI assesses the viewer’s choices for offering song recommendations. Moreover, fitness and bucket list apps also offer enhanced personalization to users.

Passwordless Experience

With the use of many applications and on a daily basis, remembering the password becomes more challenging. Many of us forget passwords daily and make it difficult to access the data. A poll of the intel security survey has shown that 37% of users forget their password at least twice a week. In 2020, password-free login methods are likely to become more popular.

There are a few other substitutes for password-less login already used in different mobile applications. For example biometric authentications like facial or fingerprint recognition, also one-time password OTP, users no longer have to worry about remembering all their 10 passwords. Mobile app designers can keep UI/UX design trends in mind while they develop the login page of the app.

Advanced Animation

Without any doubt, the animation plays an important role in better user experience. Animated movies and descriptions can convey plenty of information together, and data changes from frame to frame. They explain the state changes, confirm actions, and add rhythm to interactions, also becomes a part of branding.

Latest mobile ui design trends

Voice Interactions

The voice-controlled personal assistance like Siri, Alexa virtual assistant of amazon, Bixby the smart assistant of Samsung, the AI-enabled virtual assistant of google commands their terms to mobile UI design trends.

Voice powered apps are continuously accommodating our lives as they provide precise and fast query results, more feasible, and make sure tailored user experience.

Device Agnostic Experience

People buy more smartphone devices. Statics have shown that by 2020 there will be 6.58 networked devices per person globally. The way they access knowledge changes. Designers should think out of the box, desktop and portable classes are not enough. Thinking in terms of user design helps in developing a device-agnostic design. This way users will get a smooth experience from the device. An example of a device-agnostic experience is while booking flights on smartwatches and smartphones.

3D and Faux-3D design

Using 3D elements in mobile apps is not a new trend, it here for a long time utilized mostly in games and entertainment. With the help of 3D and faux-3D objects in mobile UI, designers make mobile interaction more user friendly. Developers skilfully execute 3D or pseudo-3D elements that help to recreate the feeling you get while playing a video game.

Dark Theme

The dark theme was introduced a few years back. Apple provided a lot to help in this direction when it was released a major update having the ability to automatically set a dark theme for the supporting apps. Additionally, they provide an iOS update that provides similar dark mode functionality.

Latest mobile ui design trends

The dark theme will proceed to evolve in 2020. Beyond the visual attractiveness, the major benefit is that for some people, dark appearance with proper contrast can reduce the strain on eyes. Gmail is one of the latest apps for a dark remedy, which launched the option again in September month. Now that all 3 major tech giants Google, Facebook, and Apple have jumped to the dark themes, this trend will only enhance in the coming years.

Gradient 2.0

In 2020 gradient is getting a new exposure. However, this time gradient is about vibrant colors used as background. They try to get a clear light source. Vibrant color palette not only brings depth and dimension to the UI design but also gives a positivity. Also, gradients are moving towards subtlety and simplicity in terms of styling.

Rounded Corners

This latest mobile UI design trends is developed from modern smartphone devices. Both android and iOS flagships feature rounded corners. Since devices curved corners are mirrored in its UI design, all mobile sites and apps get a similar rounded appearance and feel. It impacts positively on the UI/UX design process. Rounded corners are smoother on our eyes and it helps to process the data easily.

Final Words

Mobile UI/UX trends trends in 2020 surprised us with entirely new ideas for user experience. UI/UX design companies usually pay more attention to the needs of people. Buttonless and passwordless interface, voice input, face ID, fingerprint scanning these are some examples of a genuinely human-centered design without expectations for anybody.

The world is changing; the trends are enhancing day by day. However, there are some permanent values in our lives. Design is an innovative way to build the future. Digital user experience is a part of it. So let’s make them more beautiful and accessible to users.


Latest mobile UI/UX trends will factor areas such as storytelling elements in the app, animations, 3D graphics, gradients, placement of navigation bars, whitespace, and placement of AR in UI development.
UI tools give designers what they need to design accurate wireframes, mockups, and prototypes and render minimally viable products.
  • Sketch
  • Adobe XD
  • Figma
  • Invision Studio
  • Framer X
The latest mobile UI design trends of scrolling in this year is basically to make the users read long-form content without switching to the other web page. So, the designers are using long-scroll form to accommodate the long content.

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